"Power politics shape existences on the most physical level: Inside the sealed walls of the modern clinic, men in white ruled supreme, subjecting the bodies of women to their patriarchal standards of health and sanity. Medicine has a lot to account for. Still, it presses ahead into the future, promising technical progress. Pointing to the unholy legacy of this history, artist Lisa Glauer measures out the symbolic distance between the two charged sites, the Frauenklinik of Berlin's Charité, and its forthcoming prestigious extension, the Futurium. She marks the path from one to the other with the flow of breastmilk down a steep illuminated ramp: a tribute to women's struggle and the resistance against the governance of life."
Jan Verwoert, in Close, never closer. October 2017.
Landing Strip for the Milky Way 15 m x 1,67 m x 0,90 m Transparent paper, 2 layers, clamps, human milk, neon light. Close. Never Closer. Curated by Jan Verwoert.
Die Arbeit wurde realisiert mit Unterstützung der Einstein Stiftung Berlin und mit Hilfe der Graduiertenschule der Universität der Künste Berlin.
"PAR flashed back to her last excavation into Emotional Dumping Ground (EDGE = Emotional Dumping Ground Excavation), where she was sent in order to unearth and bring forward and connect for posterity the traces of the Monument Against Patriarchy (MAP) that will save our asses from the great rivers of Braune Scheisse currently creating maelstrom waves. MAP slid down to earth holding onto the tails of the Milky Way and innoculated that part of the spaceship against fascism last year ... that was a shiny moment of artistic-research brilliance and it was hers. Nobody really noticed nor has any idea how long these new inoculations will last ... but it did finally land, it was here on Earth again. However, it was completely unclear where it was currently traveling and on what route."
PAR = Precarious Artistic Researcher, or Patricia Andersdottir Roth has a flashback.
Making of. With Yann Colonna and Antonije Buric.
Heteronormativitätsparaphrasierungsexperiment performance with Yann Colonna and Margarita Certeza Garcia First landing: Yann Colonna speaks German, Lisa Glauer translates Second landing: Margarita Certeza Garcia speaks English, Lisa Glauer translates
Lisa Glauer pours human milk collected from many women onto the landing strip. Everyone helps guide it to the ground.