The Jellibelly Bauchpinselmaschine (bauchpinseln =belly stroking = ego stroking in German) is used for ego-stroking. Belly-stroking creates a sense of well-being and enhances a user´s self-esteem and confidence. The Jellibelly Belly-Stroking Machine is a device which optimises business development, self-confidence and esteem, aids in developing excellent customer service, while maintaining and supporting a highly constructive working atmosphere within your team. Traditionally, belly-stroking has always involved cumbersome attention to interpersonal details and legwork. Now, for the first time, the newly developed Jellibelly Belly-Stroking Machine allows for the flexibility of an individualistic opinion independent of all power structures while guaranteeing continuous high quality mechanical ego stroking where necessary and appropriate. The Jellibelly Belly-Sroking Machine provides the opportunity to maintain and develop new and improved ego-stroking standards. Use the Jellibelly Belly-Stroking Machine for your advertisement and promotional needs, or use it as an incentive device for yourself and within your team. For more info, see DA Kunsthaus Gravenhorst (Lisa Glauer & Käthe Wenzel)
collected press response, excerpts: » Wo kann man sich den Bauch pinseln lassen? In: P.M. Fragen & Antworten 11/2008, S. 28 Ulrike Burgwinkel in: Scala, WDR 5, 5. August 2008 Jens P. Rosbach in: Campus und Karriere, Deutschlandfunk, 20. Juni 2008 Eva Kalwa in: Der Tagesspiegel/Ticket, 12. Juni 2008 In: Kultu(k)r 12/07 Jessica Merten in: WDR regional, September 2007 etc.